Sunday, September 6, 2009


So the chick from DOCS rings me on Friday - "can I come & see you guys on Wednesday" !!! Man, we have gone from nothing really happening to full speed ahead! although I do expect it to slow down again. Though it may not - confused? - me too.

So D & I are trying to work out our finances - because we will lose money while we do this. We don't care - but we do need to be sensible or at least try to be - & have some kind plan in place.

We are alternating between excitement & keeping calm, we want to plan for things but really can't until we know the age of the child. Even though we are requesting as young as possible, we don't know whether that will mean a little baby or a toddler who may already be used to sleeping in a big bed. I went to a linen party last week & couldn't even look at buying anything for the kid - one - I don't know cot or bed & - two - we are still being accessed & could possibly not get a placement at all. Although I think this would be highly unlikely.

So I cracked & made one purchase relating to this adventure. An over the car seat thingy. It goes onto the back of a front car seat & has lots of pockets to hold stuff in front of the child, while they are in the back seat. It wasn't boy or girl specific & I figure if things don't work out - I can use it as a christmas gift.


Janna said...

Goodness gracious! Hold on tight, sounds like this is going to be one fast roller coaster!

Janna said...

So, how did the meeting go?