Friday, June 4, 2010


He's here!
And he's keeping us awake!
Here is a lazy blog entry full of photo's - Jack has kindly stayed asleep long enough to let me get these up - but is starting to stir, so there will be minimal comments on these photos.

Dad is a great help.

28 minutes old

Going home.

Feed me woman!!!

Spot the poop.

I know people were concerned - but I finally got my eggs benedict!!!!


Janna said...

He is such a sweetie! That pic with the red blanket at the bottom? He looks JUST LIKE YOU! I'd like to see more pics of mama & son, though. That's what I've been waiting many many years to see! I've been dying to call, but I'm scared that I'll wake one or all of you up! Maybe I'll try this weekend. Love you!

Unky Mike said...

The dude has massive balls!!!

Kristen Davies said...

So happy for you both, and agree with unky mike. Can't wait to see you all. He is huge and healthy which is good. Take care love Kris, Gav & kids xoxoxoxox