Wednesday, February 24, 2010


So in my last post I talked about them upping my insulin sooner rather than later - it was sooner - real soon - in fact it was that afternoon! And they've gone up twice more since then & will continue to do so as my hormone levels go up. My endo was happy with my weight though - I'm still just below my pre-pregnancy weight.

So now I'm injecting before breakfast, lunch & dinner & testing glucose levels 4 times a day - that's 7 needle pricks a day - I can't tell you how over it I am already! It's not stressing me like it was before but I still don't like it. My mantra has become "it's not forever"....

On a happier note for me - I've finalised all my maternity leave - that is unless I go extra early. So my last day at work will be the 23rd of April. I cannot wait. the struggle to get here every morning is not good & it's becoming quite rare for me to put in a 5 day week. Although that was pretty rare before I was pregnant too!

Today the weather is finally cooler - but over the weekend & on Monday it was very, very hot & I had another dose of 3 nights without sleep - which led to finding myself actually crying when my alarm went off on Tuesday morning & ringing Darren to tell him I could not go to work. Jess came & got me & dropped me at mum's so I could relax in the air con. Mum & Dad are in Malaysia so Darren & I actually stayed there last night & plan to tonight as well. I had my best nights sleep in ages - only 2 bathroom trips! I still feel tired today, but at least I'm not "cry tired" anymore! In fact Darren & I might just stay there until Saturday when the folks get home.

I've got my 3rd antenatal clinic visit on Friday afternoon, this is the first at St. George Hospital though. It's in the exact same place as the diabetic educator & the endo, so at least I know where to go. We also plan to do the maternity ward tour some time in the next few weeks. They run every Tuesday night.

Baby is moving around heaps & definitely knows EXACTLY where my bladder is! It's so odd to sometimes have a tummy that is rock hard on one side & all floppy, soft on the other! Jack/Sophie is also good at becoming completely still when Darren puts a hand near my belly, poor thing has only felt a couple of kicks because of this. Also I get a lot of movement in bed at night & though Darren's there - he is usually dead asleep (lucky guy!) so I don't wake him just to feel it (not when he has to get up at 4am).

This weekend we are going to move some furniture around - we want to fit the bassinet in our room beside the bed. So have to move the camphor wood chest out of there & into the baby's room. Which means re-arranging that room too. Also I might see if Darren's mum wants to get the mattresses for the cot & bassinet this weekend. And we still need to sew some extra length on the curtains covering the cupboard. So still a bit to do yet. When all that stuff is done I'll put up some more photos.

Monday, February 8, 2010


After a very busy weekend the nursery is almost completed. Thanks hugely to Ma & Pa.... apart from knowing (pretty much) what they are doing - Mum is a great motivator. Just do it now!!!

Measuring up for the often cursed stripes (thanks Louise!! )

More measuring & marking.

Dad putting up the trim - it has a pretty vine pattern carved in it.

Mum checking Dad's work!

I think this is more trim stuff.

Stripes all done.

Woohoo - an actual cot in my house - for my baby!

This room now has the cot, change table & bassinette in it & we are going to be getting a rocking chair from Cindy soon also. Last night before bed I caught Darren adjusting the change table position again - he said "I can't help myself". It's so nice to have it looking ready.
So we still need mattresses for the cot & bassinette - Darren's folks are getting these. And that is basically it for the big stuff. We contemplated getting out the pram also - but held off! barely...
In other news - I'm still only on one dose of insulin a day - but I've been told it will be going up - sooner rather than later. I'm feeling better about the whole thing, now that I've had time to process it & now that I realise that I can't control it on my own.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I'm living by that sound "beep" at 8.30am, "beep"at 10.30am, "beep" every freakin' 2 hours of my waking life!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I'm going to have a small whinge - I'm starting to hate that beep & it's only been 12 days. Gestational Diabetes is the pits. Blah, blah - I know it's not forever, I know it's my own fault for being fat, I know that other people put up with heaps worse for their whole lives - but it's still shitty.
The food bit isn't worrying me, it's more the schedule that's bugging me. Eat now, test now, stick that insulin needle in now. BEEP!!!!

Right - moving on..... I have only gained 200grams since October 29th! This is amazing to me - cause nothing fits & I don't look like I've only gained 200grms. Just goes to show how much energy it takes to grow another human.

The movement factor has picked up heaps too. I feel a bunch of stuff during the day, but at night when I get in bed I spend heaps of time on the same page in my book because I don't want to move my hand away from the kicking to turn the page! I've said it before, but it's such a cool feeling. I'm getting real thuds & pushes, & sometimes it feels like there's a gymnastics display going on in there, I can picture the tiny mats & a pummel horse.

The other big event I'm looking forward to is my front row view at Huey Lewis, 1927 & Richard Clapton on the 20th March - so happy to have front row for this. Talk about a flash back. I've filled my iPhone with all their songs & have been trying not to sing out loud on the train (no-one needs to hear that!).
We booked accommodation here - not extra fancy - but not a pub either! That weekend is also our 11th wedding anniversary & I'm calling it a babymoon too. Just a shame I can't indulge in the wineries all around the venue!

Mum has been working very hard in the nursery & I think it's about half way there, we still need curtains for the window & also for the cupboard - we'll do the sliding doors later. Also a little bit of finishing off painting before we can apply the Pooh wall stickers. Then we can do the exciting bits like putting in the cot, change table & rocking chair - I can't wait to see it all set up. And I still can't believe that I'm getting to do any of this at all!